New Suppliers
Before approaching Zespri to supply packaging, you'll need to be able to demonstrate that:
you have the necessary skills, experience, facilities and qualified staff available to supply the products and will maintain in good standing all necessary licences, registrations, permits, authorisations, consents and approvals required by any governmental, provincial or local department or agency;
you will supply the products in accordance with the highest standards of care, quality, skill and diligence, sound business principles, industry best practice and all applicable laws and regulations including, without limitation, all packaging, food safety, anti-bribery, anti-corruption, competition and health and safety related laws;
all your products will comply in all respects with the Zespri Manufacturers’ Specifications, be of good merchantable quality, safe and fit for the purpose for which they are intended;
the supply of products, and use by Zespri and its registered suppliers, will not infringe any third party’s rights (including intellectual property rights);
you will advise Zespri immediately upon becoming aware any Product (whether completed or not) does not meet the relevant Manufacturers’ Specification or of any other circumstances that may materially limit or affect your ability to comply with the terms set out in this letter; and
you will provide Zespri with such reasonable assistance and information as required in the event of any recall or withdrawal of the products.
Check all required certificates before contacting Zespri “Certificates required by packaging product”
If you'd like to be considered as a packaging supplier, you can submit your details through this form and we will be in contact about the next steps.
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